Crows Feet Lines
Service Description
Plasma Fibroblast Treatment is used to tighten loose skin and activate the Fibroblast Cells in the dermis; causing these cells to create high levels of Collagen and Elasin that creates an instant and long term tightening -Lifting effect- It is completely a natural treatment that requires no injections, no chemicals, and is the MOST permanent treatment to date. During the procedure tiny plasma flash also referred as an electrical arc is being discharged from the tip of the Fibroblast handpiece. The tool itself never touches the skin however plasma flash creates a tiny dot upon the contact. There is no cuts, no blood. This innovative technology uses sublimation process, turning solid directly to gas to tighten skin tissue. Targeted tissue sublimate, causing no damage to surrounding areas or deeper skin layers. Further points are applied creating a symmetrical grid over the treatment area. Effects are noticeable right away. Full results become visible after 2-4 weeks. Patient can resume regular activities right away with minimal discomfort. Fibroblast is virtually painless and doesn’t require anesthesia. Numbing cream is used to minimize discomfort during procedure. Side effects are minimal and complications rare. Carbon crusts, a tiny superficial dots which form directly on the skin are part of normal healing process. Correctly treated with after-cream will cause no threat and fall off 5-7 days after treatment. After-care instructions will be given to a patient following the procedure. It is very important to adhere to my after-care advice.